Hi Del!
Not yet. The environment is not running production yet, but I was hoping to 
give the customer some sort of target date...
We will just try 7.1.3 and see what happens, if I encounter any issues, can I 
just open a PMR for it? Since I'm officially not running a supported stack...
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Del 
Sent: donderdag 26 mei 2016 12:36
Subject: Re: DP for SAP HANA with SPS12

Hi Eric,

We don't have a specific date to share yet.
The development team is looking into this.
Have you tried it yet? Did you run into problems?



"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 05/25/2016
08:39:17 AM:

> From: "Loon, EJ van (ITOPT3) - KLM" <eric-van.l...@klm.com>
> Date: 05/25/2016 08:41 AM
> Subject: DP for SAP HANA with SPS12
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Hi guys!
> One of my customers wants to implement Data Protection for SAP HANA on 
> their SAP HANA appliance. On the IBM support pages I read one of the 
> following supported stacks:
> SAP HANA support package stack SPS 08 up to SPS 11 They are however 
> running SPS12. Does anybody from IBM know if there are any plans to 
> support version 12 in the (very) near future?
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Eric van Loon
> Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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