Could it be you have one object/filespace left to replicate?
I don't think that can be done with multiple sessions.
Normally I see the sessions go up to the max setting but then drop back
down when there are no longer that many filespaces left to do. Often you
will see one sessing running for the last filespace when replicating many
nodes to start with.

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Patrick Miller <> wrote:

> I'm running TSM 6.3.4 and doing node replication tape to tape between
> servers (no choice)
> I have setup maxsessions to 8 because I have several Oracle DBs that are
> 2T.
> When replication starts it opens 8 sessions but then closes all but one.
> When initial RMAN backup is done, it uses 5 drives so I was hoping to get
> it that way in replication as well.
> At this point, even if I could get it to run 2 sessions it would be a great
> help.
> Anyone know how to force more sessions to be used?
> --
> Thanks,
> Patrick L. Miller
> Computer Systems Analyst II
> Prince George's County Schools
> 301-952-6797
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>           /____          ||  *Systems*
>                `--.____,-'

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