Friends, I try to find a method for TDP for MSSQL, to backup the archlogs directly to two different mgmtclasses.
The goals is to send the data directly to 2 locations. - Simultanious write can't be used as there is no migration possible with copy data and sending the archlogs to remote tapedrives is not an option. - Sending ones to a mirrored diskpool, then backup stg, then migrate (so the data is always at the remote location) can not be 100% garanteed, therefor no option. In SQL you have the feature "Microsoft SQL Server mirrored backup media sets" what does the backup to two different locations. In RedBook I see that in chapter 2.4.3 that mirrored backup media sets are supported, but I can't find anywhere how. Does anyone has a clue or an other good idea to send the archlogs directly to two locations (mgmtclasses) ? Thanks in advance, Maurice van 't Loo