Look closely at the "q  volhist t=dbb" and the libvols that show DbBackup !

you'll probably find the two lists don't match ! ! ! !

I've noticed that IF anything happens during the DB backup (that is, an
abnormal termination) that the libvol is left as private with last use of
DbBackup  BUT the volhist has no record of it (a del volhist t=dbb doesn't
free it)

thus my script  (since I have multiple tsm server, I pass the script a tsm
server name...)

rm $1.lostdbvols
dsmadmc -serv=$1 -id=operator -pass=xxxx q volhist t=dbb > $1.dbbvols
for VOLSER in $(dsmadmc -serv=$1 -pass=operator -id=xxxx q libvol | grep DbB
| cut -c18-23)
grep $VOLSER $1.dbbvols 1>/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo $VOLSER >> $1.lostdbvols

then I just do a "checkout libvol......." and check the tapes back in again
as scratch


-----Original Message-----
From: Talafous, John G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 1:43 PM
Subject: Expiration of DbBackup, Volhist and Libvolume status.

I have been keeping two weeks worth of FULL database backups. The Volhist
expiration command shows nothing unusual. The command I use is 'del volhist
todate=today-15 type=dbb'. However when I query the 3494 library volume I
find 31 cartridges used for DBBackup. My Database is just below 40GB. Q DB
tsm: FSPHNSM1>q db f=d

          Available Space (MB): 39,760
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 39,760
        Maximum Extension (MB): 0
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 16,812
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 10,178,560
                    Used Pages: 5,865,312
                      Pct Util: 57.6
                 Max. Pct Util: 57.8
              Physical Volumes: 12
             Buffer Pool Pages: 16,384
         Total Buffer Requests: 27,301,611
                Cache Hit Pct.: 98.47
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 781.95
            Percentage Changed: 3.41
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 04/24/2001 10:00:24

We have 3590-E1A cartridges and looking in the VOLHIST file I do not see the
full database backup taking two tapes at any time.

Now, the SQL statement 'select status, last_use, count(*) from libvolumes
group by last_use, status' shows:

STATUS         LAST_USE        Unnamed[3]
----------     ----------     -----------
Scratch                                41
Private        Data                   528
Private        DbBackup                31

Why don't I see something like 15 tapes in the DbBackup category?

John G. Talafous              IS Technical Principal
The Timken Company            Global Software Support
P.O. Box 6927                 Data Management
1835 Dueber Ave. S.W.         Phone: (330)-471-3390
Canton, Ohio USA  44706-0927  Fax  : (330)-471-4034
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://www.timken.com

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