
I wouldn't say that unloaddb/loaddb was that brilliant at reducing
space in DB.  Initially yes, we saw about 40% saving on our 4 year
old DB.  But I think there is something not very clever in the way
space is then allocated and what we found over the next few weeks
was that DB space was going up quite a lot quicker than expected.
I'm sure we saw gains in efficiency : because redunant entries had
been removed.  Also, the downtime (days) to do it is unacceptable.

What is needed is on-the-fly tuning - but whether that ever comes,
I wouldn't know.

Regards, Sheelagh

>Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:26:07 -0400
>From: "Wayne T. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: How Can I reduce the OffSitePool

... snipped ...
>- (This is a question to all) Does a DB dump and load have the
>potential of making more space available?
>Hope this addresses your problem a little and is helpful,
>Wayne T. Smith                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET       University of Maine System

Sheelagh Treweek
Oxford University Computing Services
Phone: +44 (0)1865 273205 Fax:-273275

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