I have noticed replies related to the LTO.  But also noticed that you changed 
"everything at once" or so it seems below.   I've seen comments from some people that 
did "just" the *SM upgrade you did and saw performance problems of various kinds.

Have you looked at areas other than LTO?  I'm particularly interested in that we have 
3575-L32 now and one option we are looking at is upgrading to 3583/3584 LTO as we are 
running out of tape storage space.

Did you really do all at once or was this a phased in approach.  If you did all at 
once, I think you deserve some kind of award that it even works!!

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/20/01 01:19PM >>>
I have not been monitoring the list for a while, so forgive me if I ask
something that has been covered previously...

We recently upgraded our 3466 model A01 with two 3575 tape libraries to a
3466 model C01 with a 3584 tape library.  We also upgraded from ADSM 3.1.1
to TSM 4.1.  I have begun to notice that our tape operations are taking
significantly longer than they did before.  Simple restores take forever
between the mount and the start of data transfer, the time it takes to
backup our DB has tripled (and the DB is smaller), and restores of large
Oracle and Exchange databases are taking about twice as long.  The process
of backing data up to the copypool for offsite storage is also taking a very
long time.  I have a process running now that has backed up 21Gb from one
tape in the primary pool to one tape in the copypool, in other words a
straight tape to tape copy, over a two hour time period.

Does anyone out there have any similar experience?  We do have support from
both Tivoli and IBM hardware support, any suggestions on who to call first?

Debbie Weeks
University of South Florida
Information Technologies/Technical Support
*(813)974-6926*S/C 574-6926
Fax (813) 974-3054

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