Our shop is currently running Lotus Notes and for our remote WAN attached Notes servers we had to go to using the TDP Agent and daily incremental processing. This was because the amount of data to back up using the B/A client and *.NSF files was too much to fit in the window and bandwidth. We are now looking at moving to Domino. Our Notes admins have read some on the transaction logging and don't like what they read. They say that the hardware requirements to run logging are too much. Plus the fact that certain database functions (compact with space reduction...) assign a new DBIID to the database and the next TDP incremental would actually by another full backup since the DBIID has changed. I've been reading the TDP Domino manuals and archives and feel that since the compactions are scheduled on weekends, this is not that big of an issue. We would be doing full backups on weekends anyway. So I need some ammunition to convince 'them' that we can still use the TDP Agent and not loose any functionality. Their solution is to create a central Domino server with LOTS of disk and then replicate the databases back here and use TSM to back up this massive server. The main issue is the changing DBIID. THey are concerned that they would not be able to recover a database when it could possibly have multiple DBIID's associated with the same database within TSM. TIA, Bill Boyer "Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield." - ??