Removing the STGNEW and STGDELETE volhist entries does not affect any data
that may be on those tapes.
Those entries do not participate in any type of DB recovery, either.

The only thing I know of that those entries are used for is to provide a
good idea what tapes need to be audited, if you ever have to do a DB restore
and back-level your system.

I believe it is safe to delete any of those entries that are older than your
oldest DB backup.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brazner, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: Question on del volhist

                                                           Subject: Question
on del volhist

                                                     Attachment(s): <font

My vol history for stgnew and stgdelete goes back to the beginning of time.
I'd like to use Del Volhist to get rid of records that aren't needed any
more. but I can't see how to do this without possibly corrupting the vol
history.  If I understand things correctly, if a tape is in stgdelete
status as of a given point in time (let's say 30 days ago), then I should
be able to delete all stgnew and stgdelete records prior to that time,
right?  However, if a tape is in stgnew status at that time, then I better
not do any deletes using that time, right?  So, how do I construct my Del
Volhist command(s) to make such dynamic decisions for every volume in the
volhistory?  Note, we have DRM, so dbbackup entires are not a problem.
System is TSM 4.1.2 on AIX 4.3.3.

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

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