Hello all,
        I am running TSM 4.1.3 (just upgraded from 4.1.1) on OS390 2.7.   We
have been up and running for about 5 months now and the tape people (who
initially said tapes were returning from offsite) have told me that not to
many tapes return from offsite.  So I start looking at things.  We have
NETWARE, NT, AIX, SUN UNIX, DB2, SQL, ORACLE, and MS-EXchange servers + 100
 I see that I have a lot of tapes that are still in use all the way back to
when we were just testing things out 5 months ago.
 I can also see that the expiration process is running daily ( and not to
the 3 hr limit).
 I can see that the tapes all have various amounts of reclaimable % of space
on them, some all the way to 100%,  but even though I see this from running
Q VOL xxxxxx that when I run Q CONTENT xxxxx COUNT=100 that there are some
files there.
I know that the copygroups have been changed around, but  they always had
ONLY VERSION is 60, everywhere.
I know that I update the copy groups and activate the policysets every
weekend to change the COPYMODE to/from ABSOLUTE/INCREMENTAL to force weekend
fulls. (this shouldn't matter?)
I see some NETWARE, AIX, DB2 files on these tapes that are 4 months old.
I am at a loss as to what is wrong or what I am to new to know.  Anybody
have an idea as to where I should look or what I am not doing?
many thanks

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