Shawn, This is not as simple as it sounds, I am at 4.3.2 maint level 0 and
require two maint level upgrades to be able to install the new
fileset. We will be going to 4.3.3 soon on all our boxes and the one we are
testing currently is at 4.3.3 -07 and svmon works great there. Will probably
just hang in there until I get the O/S upgraded to avoid having to fumble
through a change control process to upgrade 4.3.2 when 4.3.3 has already been
approved. Thanks

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

Shawn Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/10/2001 07:46:03 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: AIX Gurus.. .Help Needed..

Update your to  svmon was broken in the previous
few releases.

Shawn Raymond
Sr. Technical Consultant
Synergy, Inc.

                    Dhotre                    To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <shekhar.dhotre.b@        cc:
                    BAYER.COM>                Subject:     Re: AIX Gurus.. .Help
                    Sent by: "ADSM:
                    Dist Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    04/09/01 04:53 PM
                    Please respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor

  I am trying to execute svmon   but , getting following error ..any idea ?

medrs2:ps -aef | grep dsmserv
    root 42134     1   0   Apr 02      - 2474:14 dsmserv
    root 48518 47810   1 16:36:56 pts/10  0:00 grep dsmserv

medrs2:sh /usr/bin/svmon -P 42134
sh: /usr/bin/svmon: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.

uid=0(root) gid=0(system)

open: No such file or directory

open: No such file or directory

medrs2:cd /usr/bin

open: No such file or directory

medrs2:sh svmon
sh: svmon: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.

medrs2:echo $PATH

shekhar ..

George Lesho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 04/09/2001 03:19:45 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:  Re: AIX Gurus.. .Help Needed..

Herve, Where am going wrong here???

# ps -aef | grep dsmserv
    root 30300 34772   0   Apr 07      - 606:00 dsmserv quiet
# svmon -P 30300

  Pid                         Command       Inuse       Pin     Pgspace
30300                            *** process does not exist ***

Drop me a note off line and help me out... I am not sure why it is coming
saying that my TSM server is not running.... thanks-

George Lesho
Storage/System Admin
AFC Enterprises

"Chibois, Herve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/06/2001 10:23:05 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: George Lesho/Partners/AFC)
Fax to:
Subject:  Re: AIX Gurus.. .Help Needed..

Hi Richard,

to know exactly how many RAM TSM is eating, try the following :

% ps -eaf | grep dsmserv --> GET PID
% svmon -P <pid>

   ----------- physical RAM pages (4Ko) -------+
  Pid                         Command        Inuse        Pin      Pgspace
11638                      dsmserv.42        55741         16        37293
Pid:  11638                                    +----> 217 MB
Command:  dsmserv.42

Segid  Type  Description          Inuse    Pin  Pgspace  Address Range
 1ba6  pers  /dev/hd3:93              0      0        0  0..0
  7a1  pers  /dev/hd3:88              0      0        0  0..0

Hope this helps

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Dearman, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoy

é : vendredi 6 avril 2001 17:17
> Objet : AIX Gurus.. .Help Needed..
> I use the "top"utility to monitor my server adsm server load.
>  I noticed
> that the Real memory statement is showing 812M files is being
> used.  What
> does the files statement mean?  it seems whatever files means
> is taking up
> all of my memory.
> Load averages:  0.10,  0.04,  0.04 adsmsrv1            Fri
> Apr  6 10:15:50
> 2001
> Cpu states:  0.7% user  3.5% system  7.8% wait 88.0% idle   For
> non-commercial
> Logged on:   1 users   1 active 1 remote 00:10 sleep time
>     use only
> !!!
> Real memory:  211.6M procs  812.0M files    0.5M free 1024.0M total
> Virtual memory:             137.6M used  3574.4M free 3712.0M total
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