Here's an easy answer that'll work some of the time:
If your organization already has in place a job that archives the necessary
things to microfiche or local tape, etc, just modify that job to write the
archive to TSM instead.
I mean, somebody at some point in your organization did some thinking and
said (for example), "At end-of-year, we run mainframe batch job X and save
our accounting reports, etc., and that's enough to meet the legal
requirements." So just piggyback on that thinking instead of re-analyzing a
complex issue.
If you can.
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Kai Hintze
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Long Term Archive for Databases
It's not our job to tell the business what they can and cannot back up. On
the other hand, sometimes when we present them with the cost--be sure to
include the cost of maintaining the current tape library plus the new ones
you will need by then--they realize that might be a better way to keep the
information they really need.
I strongly second the suggestion that if they do think they need the whole
database that it be dumped to ascii flat files so that you have a chance of
reading it 7 years from now. Be sure to include the downtime on the database
to create a consistent dump in your cost estimate.
- Kai.
"Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even one
which cannot be justified on any other grounds." -- J. Finnegan, USC
On Thursday, April 05, 2001 10:48 AM, Jim Taylor asked:
>I keep getting this pressure from clients to keep copies of their 500GB
>oracle database for 7 years. They don't seem to know why they want it
>for seven years. Like most others they don't think of what their >restore
>requirements are.
>Has anyone had to restore/retrieve a large database that was, say more
>2 years old. If so was it successful and was it as simple as restoring
>the DB.