
   We have seen a message very similar.  Are you running multiple copies of
TSM sharing the 3494 library ?  What we find is that if we are trying to
define a drive to system-B while it is in use on system-A, we get the
message.   Make sure that you do not have any SCSI reserves against the
device (possible even if you are fibre attached, so I'm told).

Hope this may help,

Glenn MacIntosh
Manager of Technical Services
Sobeys Inc.
123 Foord St.
Stellarton, Nova Scotia
(902) 752-8371 Ext. 4017

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Ursin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:19 AM
Subject: A problem with a 3590 tape station

We are running tsm 4.1.3 on aix 4.3.3 and a the tapelibrary ibm3494.
Yesterday I had service on our three tapestation and after that I have
some problems in defining one of the tapestations. I get the following

ANR8315E DEFINE DRIVE: The device type of drive DRIVE2 is not supported in
ANS8001I Return code 4.

Funny, because all three tapestations has been running smoothly for
several years now. All three are available and working from an aix point
of view. I'm using the newest atape.driver!

Med venlig hilsen / Regards

Henrik Ursin            Tlf./Phone +45 35878934
                        Fax        +45 35878990
                        Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Mail: UNI-C
                              DTU, bygning 304
                              DK-2800 Lyngby

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