The issue here would seem to be the "wait=yes" option you have specified for
the backup command. Doing so causes the server to process the command in the
foreground. This, in turn, requires that you must wait for the command to
complete before performing any other tasks. Indeed, in such an environment,
you can only run one scheduled command at a time. Is there a compelling
reason why "wait=yes" is specified (other than the obvious one of not
wanting the database backup to occur before the backups of the storage pools
Jack Coyle
> ----------
> From: Talafous, John G.[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Reply To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
> Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 12:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Admin schedule to Backup DB does not start
> The ADMIN schedule that processing storage pools contained a "backup stg
> blahpool blahpool wait=yes". When the wait completed, another backup stg
> command was issued and the ADMIN schedule ended. Then, the ADMIN schedule
> to
> do the database backup kicked off.
> Does this mean only one ADMIN schedule at a time?
> jt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cook, Dwight E [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 11:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Admin schedule to Backup DB does not start
> did they have the same start time ? ? ?
> That might cause that... but the actual scheduled event should initiate
> and
> be gone in seconds...
> For all admin activity that I can think of, tsm simply spawns off a
> process
> and the scheduled event is complete, unless it is something really short
> like an "update stg diskpool high=1 low=0" type thing...
> What was your other schedule that actually tied things up for a while...
> Like with the dbbackup schedule, it will start a process and then the
> schedule/event is complete...
> Dwight
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Talafous, John G. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 9:38 AM
> Subject: Re: Admin schedule to Backup DB does not start
> Well what do you know?!? Another ADMIN schedule to manage storage pools
> was
> running. When it finished, the BACKUP_DB admin schedule started. But, does
> this mean that only one (1) admin schedule can be active at any given
> time?
> TIA,
> John G. Talafous IS Technical Principal
> The Timken Company Global Software Support
> P.O. Box 6927 Data Management
> 1835 Dueber Ave. S.W. Phone: (330)-471-3390
> Canton, Ohio USA 44706-0927 Fax : (330)-471-4034