I did some snooping and couldn't see anyone mention this one. I've got a script
running on one box (HPUX 11, 4.1.2 client) to run an archive:
dsmc archive -se=tsm_x1_apps -archmc=6month -subdir=yes\
-desc="ADSM X1-FVO2 Online Backup"\
"/etc/*.ora" \
"/db/x1_oravlB3/ORACLE/FVO2/*" \
"/db/x1_oravlB4/ORACLE/FVO2/*" \
_online.`date +\%y\%m\%d` 2>&1 </dev/null
When the script runs, it goes as far as grabbing the oravlB1 directory and then stops.
No error message, nothing. As if the script ended at that point. It correctly dumps
to the log file noted, so I know it sees the entire line.
We have a shwack of other boxes running scripts in this format that have no trouble.
Any thoughs?