THis points out why it is valuable to have (somewhere) something like a
process to mail you such info on a daily basis...
like :
HOUDSM01 Thu Mar 22 06:05:13 CST 2001 You have 289 SCRATCH and 106 PRIVATE
volumes of which 17 are filling, the rest are full.
houdsm01 lmcp1 CLN609 CLN610 CLN596 CLN611 CLN612 CLN613 CLN640 CLN641
CLN642 CLN644 CLN643
houdsm01 lmcp1 number of cells............437 available cells............42
avail 3590 cleaner cycles..616

TDCDSM03 Thu Mar 22 06:05:15 CST 2001 You have 259 SCRATCH and 182 PRIVATE
volumes of which 6 are filling, the rest are full.
tdcdsm03 lmcp0 CLN192 CLN664 CLN665 CLN666 CLN620 CLN619 CLN675 CLN676
CLN673 CLN674 CLN667
tdcdsm03 lmcp0 number of cells............1462 available
cells............223 avail 3590 cleaner cycles..1072

this way you can just go back a day or two and see if that used to be in the
atl or not...

I have this for all the TSM environment I deal with...


-----Original Message-----
From: Gill, Geoffrey L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:41 AM
Subject: Cleaning Carts

Sometimes the operators leave stuff laying around and I have to figure out
why. In the most current case I found 2 cleaning cartridges, one in the 3494
door that must have been ejected and another on a cart next to the 3494. I
knew from watching the library that there would be a cleaning cartridge
running out of cycles today. That is probably the one I just found in the
door, but what about the one on the cart?

Now that I have to insert a new cartridge I was wondering if the library
manager knows if these two other cartridges are used up if I end up sticking
one back in that may have just came out. Does the library manager keep track
of the barcode numbers on these in case someone happens to do this? Will the
library manager even take the cartridge if it is used  up? I found a
cartridge and want to stick it in but don't know if it is new or not.

Does this show the total of all cleaning cartridges or just one at a time?
   operational state..........Automated Operational State
   functional state...........00
   input stations.............1
   output stations............1
   input/output status........ALL input stations empty
                              ALL output stations empty
   machine type...............3494
   sequence number............14813
   number of cells............888
   available cells............201
   convenience capacity.......10
   accessor config............01
   accessor status............Accessor available
                              Gripper 1 available
                              Gripper 2 not installed
                              Vision system operational
   comp avail status..........Primary library manager installed.
                              Primary library manager available.
                              Primary hard drive installed.
                              Primary hard drive available.
                              Secondary hard drive installed.
                              Secondary hard drive available.
                              Convenience input station installed.
                              Convenience input station available.
                              Convenience output station installed.
                              Convenience output station available.
   library facilities.........00
   bulk input capacity........0
   bulk input empty cells.....0
   bulk output capacity.......0
   bulk output empty cells....0
   avail 3490 cleaner cycles..0
   avail 3590 cleaner cycles..0

By the way, I posted a question yesterday but did not get any hits back on
it so I wonder if it even went through. Here it is again in case it did not.

A while back I set up a disk pool to keep all directory information readily
available in case of a restore. The disk pool is set up to cache files but
still migrate to keep a copy on tape. This morning I found the number of
files on tape is much much more than the files on disk for all nodes. In
some instances a node may not have any files on disk but does on tape.

I'm not sure if my settings are incorrect or if there is another problem.
Does anyone have a similar setup where they cache files on a disk pool but
still send them to tape as backup? Can you verify that the number of files

Is there a way for me to copy those files on tape to the disk pool so they

As always,
Thanks for the help.

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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