Hi Gisbert,
it is in my opinion not possible to move data based on node-ownership. I
suggest to investigate on the target volumes to which you moved the data. If
you are able to identify them you could move these volumes to the highest
hierarchie-stage (e.g. disk pool) and they will automatically be migrated to
the proper sequential pools again.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gisbert Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: move data
Hi all,
in the storagepool hirarchy i have made a fault and now some data is stored
in a wrong storagepool. Now here is my question:
is it posible to move data for special nodes from one sequential storagepool
to an other? And how does it work?
Gisbert Schneider
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