If you go to the 3494 console (Library Manager) and select the Insert
Unlabeled Cartridge function. Now you give it a volser - pick something
that will not already be in the library - follow the instructions on this
panel. This should allow you to put this cartridge back into the library,
under the "new volser". Now try to use tapeutil to mount this cartridge
into a drive and read the volser.
I've done this in the past from OS/390 - I've not tried this with AIX.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mahesh Babbar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 18, 2001 2:12 AM
Subject: 3494 library / VOLSER problem
Unfortunately , I have few PRIVATE volumes with labels peeled off from
them . There used to have labels but probabaly due to excessive use
the labels are peeled off.
After , reinventoring the Library , these volumes were forced out on
the convenience station with description ' VOLSER not readable'.
Now, how can I know the label of that volume so that I can paste it
with the paper label and then can check in.
As soon as I try to put these volumes in the library they are ejected
out , again with the same message that 'VOLSER not readable.
I have tried , CE utilities of 3590 E drive as well as tapeutil
commands but of no help.
My Environment is:
AIX 4.3
3490 Libraray
3590 E Magstar Tape Drive.
Any hint shall be greatly appreciated.