On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 11:55:24AM -0500, Richard Sims wrote:
> > 03/14/01   17:02:39 B/A Txn Consumer thread, fatal error, signal 11
> > 03/14/01   17:02:39   0xD01C8C08 shadow_pass_r
> > 03/14/01   17:02:39   0xD01C8930 shadow_chk_r
> The signal 11 is obviously a Segmentation Fault, which is a sofware
> defect that should be reported to Tivoli Support for resolution.

Yes I will. I am new to TSM; today I registered for support on the website,
but can you please tell me where to send this report?

> Looks like it is doing password lookups at the time.  It might be
> the case it is being thrown off by files in the file system having
> a UID but no corresponding user in the passwd file, as is common
> when usernames are retired from the passwd file but not all their
> files are addressed, to reassign them.  You might want to run the
> 'find' command with the -nouser option and see if there are any
> such files, to supplement the problem resolution with that info.

I figured out this, too, but it would be VERY surprising!

Andrea Campi                              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I.NET S.p.A.                              http://www.inet.it
Direzione Tecnica - R&D                   phone: +39 02 32863 ext 1
v. Darwin, 85 - I-20019                   fax: +39 02 32863 ext 7701
Settimo Milanese (MI), Italy

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