Essentially, this occurs when too many incoming requests are
being made to the server.

Take a look for TID 2929448 on for a
solution.  The chances are that the problem is owing to a very high
NetWare server load on the client.  Perhaps your TSM server is
more efficient than before!  The above TID provides a solution.

Tom Anstey

On 9 Mar 2001, at 13:19, Anderson, Michael wrote:

>         We have upgraded our TSM server from to version 4.1.0 Since
> I have done this, I have the following error
>        on all the 3.12 command screens:  TCPIP- 4.0-235: Number of
> connections in syn-received state on port 1501 has
>        exceeded the maximum (16) allowed by the application. Could be due to
> a possible syn attack. TCPIP is trying to
>        compensate by deleting all half-open connections. Although it does
> not appear to be causing me any problems in the
>        backups, the network guys don't like the error. I can't find any
> documentation on requirements for any certain Novell
>        pieces. I have not upgraded the Novell client yet it is still at
> 3.1.06

Tom Anstey
Institute of Molecular Medicine
Oxford University
Oxford OX3 9DS

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