
Thank you!   That is what I needed (the straight poop!).

Does anyone have a differing opinion or additional experience?

Thanks again,  Larry

"Davidson, Becky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/09/2001 12:36:57 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


cc:    (bcc: Larry Girardi/IS/Travelers)
Subject:  Re: SQL-Backtrack OBSI Module (via TSM API) for Oracle -versus- T SM
      TDP for Oracle

We are currently using SQL Backtrack on our production database and TDP for
SAP R/3 on development systems migrating to TDP on all.

In answer to your questions
1) Yes SQL Backtrack goes directly into TSM
2) Yes you can do a hot backup.  We do a 1 T database hot every night
3) Hate it.  We have problems with just about everything with it.  Setting
it up is an issue.  Upgrading versions has caused us problems.  Getting
support has caused us major problems because there is a tendency to not
fully look into the problem and just immediately blame it on TSM.  If there
is a tape error it does not retry very well and the entire backup fails.  We
have had problems with SQL Backtrack doing it's own expiration.  The
licensing scheme is done on the size of your database.  I suppose that is ok
if your database doesn't grow much but ours does so you have to get a
license at 250, 500, 750, 1200 which of course costs significantly more.
For us financially TDP is the better solution.  The installation is easier
and support has been better.  We have also had fewer problems with it.  Then
again we are also using TDP for SAP R/3 so I am not sure if TDP for Oracle
is better or worse.

That's my .02
Becky Davidson
Data Manager/AIX Administrator
voice: 314-259-7589
fax: 314-877-8589

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Girardi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 11:30 AM
Subject: SQL-Backtrack OBSI Module (via TSM API) for Oracle -versus- TSM
TDP for Oracle


I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this stuff.

I am really interested in both Oracle and SQL Server!

1)  Does SQL-Backtrack backup directly into TSM without having to use/buy
TSM TDP for Oracle/SQL Server ?

2)  Can you do a HOT backup of the Oracle/SQL Server database ?

3)  Is it slick ... does it work well ?

Thank you,  Larry

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