This has been a day of good news and bad. The bad news is that a storm is raging throughout the northeast. The good news is that it has apparently stopped about 10 miles south of here. 2 *feet* of snow in southern Maine; less than 2 *inches* here in the greater Bangor area. Yippee! So on to the Tivoli ADSM for VM server. I wish the news were so good. IBM has announced end of service (EOS) for 5697-VM3, the Tivoli ADSM/VM server product as 2002-03-31. Not particularly bad news, but the replacement products are 5697-TS9 or 5698-TSM, both of which are still at the V3.1 functionality for VM. Does anyone else suspect Tivoli/IBM spend more money explaining away the TSM/VM server than keeping it state of the art? VM and world technical leaders Melinda and Gretchen announce end of VM & S/390 at Princeton, while countless others are forced away from a great platform by short-sighted, current customer-be-damned marketing. On a good note, a new 0101RSU is now available for the ADSM/VM server (I suggest you order UQ49135, UQ50321, UQ50322 with UQ99312). On a bad note, Tivoli seems to be asking if we really want any of the 3.7/4.1 enhancements. I applaud the requestor and spit on the company that made the request necessary. Finally, ... I must have this wrong, ... did some Tivoli person at SHARE say that the reason for moving away from S/390 servers was no SCSI support? I must have this wrong. Tivoli seems to know how to charge big bucks ... where's the money going? Can IBM management continue on the sidelines? Thanks for letting me vent ... back to work on things I can change, wayne Wayne T. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] ADSM Technical Coordinator - UNET University of Maine System