> Just out of curiosity, since I've only casually been following
> this thread, was there a specific reason for the "group by"
> clause?
> I think what is desired is simplly an "order by" clause, e.g.

Well, I'm really confused now.

I came up with my own version of the query:

select distinct volume_name,stgpool_name
    from volumeusage
    where node_name='FOO'

and that produces an answer:

------------------     ------------------
ITF010                 CPITFPOOL
ITF013                 CPITFPOOL
ITF018                 CPITFPOOL
ITF026                 CPITFPOOL
ITF001                 ITFPOOL
ITF003                 ITFPOOL
ITF004                 ITFPOOL
ITF014                 ITFPOOL
ITF025                 ITFPOOL
ITF027                 ITFPOOL
ITF028                 CPITFPOOL
ITF006                 ITFPOOL
ITF002                 CPITFPOOL

BUT if I add "order by stgpool_name" it doesn't show all the tapes - eg:

------------------     ------------------
ITF010                 CPITFPOOL
ITF001                 ITFPOOL

So what's going on here?

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