I have a frustrating situation whereby if I perform a client restore it may
call a tape from off-site. This tape is then recalled (usually 4 hours) and
then placed in the library. The restore then continues but then stalls again
requesting another tape. What I need to find out up front are all the tapes
that could possibly be requested for the client and recall all tapes. I can
find this out by running 'q vol client=X' but I have 2000 tapes to search
and this will take a long time even if scripted . I think that what I need
is a SQL query. I am running (don't laugh I am upgrading shortly)

Thanks for your time.

Neil Sharp
Merrill Lynch ADSM/TSM Administrator
Work : 020-7573-0469
Mobile : 07769-741612
Pager : 01893-038277

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