I took a few days to search around but didn't come up with a solution.

I'm able to install the Tivoli client on a 6.1 RedHat system. This system is installed 
as server WITH gui. 
The so called E-Smith-server isn't running a gui and I also don't need any gui.

Joerg Nouvertne wrote:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This indicates, that the library running on your system has been found, but
does not contain the expected object file. I know that RedHat 7.0 has a
special version of the glibc and gcc installed, which is not binary
compatible to non-RedHat binaries. Is this client compiled for RedHat 7.0?

--> I have not compiled it because it is an .rpm and specified to run with RedHat 7.0 
Richard Sims wrote:
> Subject: Re: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 dependency in RedHat7.0 ?
> > > dsmc: error while loading shared libraries: =
> libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2:
> > > cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Michael - You seem to not have the appropriate libraries as
>           specified in the Tivoli requirements page
> http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/adcllin.htm .
> Check your Linux system via the 'rpm' command to see if it
> has the pre-reqs that TSM calls for.

I know the webpages, they say its specified for RedHat 7.0, my server is a kickinstall 
based on RedHat 7.0. The comment from E-Smith dev list was:
> > Question: There are any differences between standard installed
> > libaries on RedHat 7.0 to E-Smith 4.1rc4 ?
> No. (and please upgrade from 4.1rc4 to 4.1 or 4.1.1)

When I do:
[root@SONNE Tivoli]# rpm -i TIVsm-BA.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        libICE.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libSM.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libX11.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libXext.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libXp.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libXpm.so.4 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libXt.so.6 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
        libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 is needed by TIVsm-BA-4.1.2-1
As I understand all libs except the last one only required for a GUI which I would not 
On my server I found:
# rpm -qa | grep libst
where the files are in:

It seems that this lib don't fullfill the requierements.
A suggestion was:
> You can hope that the non-GUI bit does not need C++ libraries, you can
> downgrade the C++ libraries to RH6.2 versions and hope that it doesn't
> break anything, or you can try to get Tivoli to issue a new version and/or
> correct their release notes.
> C++ library compatibility has been a big issue with Rh7.

Kind regards,
Michael Jung

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