I'm trying to delete a storage pool volume so I can assign it to a different
pool. When it runs I get the following error:

02/20/01 12:09:03     ANR2017I Administrator GEOFF issued command: DELETE
                       /adsmstg14/diskvol.14 DISCARDDATA=YES WAIT=NO

02/20/01 12:09:04     ANR2406E DELETE VOLUME: Volume /adsmstg14/diskvol.14
                       contains data.

Q occ /adsmstg14/diskvol.14

02/20/01 12:04:26     ANR2017I Administrator GEOFF issued command: QUERY

                       OCCUPANCY /adsmstg14/diskvol.14

02/20/01 12:04:26     ANR2034E QUERY OCCUPANCY: No match found using this


There is a migrate process that runs on this diskpool till the storage pool
volume is updated back to 70/90 percent. Nothing is there and nothing gets
transferred. I'm sure if I run an auditdb on diskstorage, with TSM down, it
will fix the problem but I hate to do this since I know it could run for a
whole day or more. I'm not sure if this can be done on a volume that is
offline while the server remains up. Does anyone know of another way to fix
this problem without taking the server down for any length of time?

I'm on AIX 4.3.3 TSM 4.1.2.

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614

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