Nothing obvious from your info.  I would do a:
move data C20139
This will either move the data off this tape and put it back in scratch pool or give 
some info in actlog as to any problem with it.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH      321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230
Fax:    321.434.5525

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/16/01 02:27PM >>>
I have a couple of tape volumes which TSM does not use, and I don't
understand why.  The server is 4.1.2 on AIX 4.3.3.  The library is a
Spectra 10000 (AIT BullFrog).  One of the volumes in question is
C20139.  It's only .6% full, but hasn't been touched since last December
12th.  Colocate is "No" for the TAPE storagepool.  Why doesn't TSM continue
to fill this volume and how do I correct the situation?  Thanks for any

tsm: TSM>q vol

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume
                           Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----  --------
/dev/rtsmstg1lv           DISK1        DISK         10,016.0   57.5  On-Line
/dev/rtsmstg2lv           DISK1        DISK         10,016.0   64.0  On-Line
C20138                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     57,085.1   41.1    Full
C20139                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     81,920.0    0.6  Filling
C20140                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     73,035.4   52.1    Full
C20145                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     71,070.3   45.5    Full
C20148                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     77,077.4   41.3    Full
C20182                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     81,920.0    0.3  Filling
C20186                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     75,440.0   43.4    Full
C20187                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     70,521.2   55.7    Full
C20193                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     65,248.8   45.1    Full
C20194                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     81,920.0   40.3  Filling
C20200                    TAPE         AIT-TAPE     81,920.0    1.4  Filling
tsm: TSM>q vol c20139 f=d

                    Volume Name: C20139
              Storage Pool Name: TAPE
              Device Class Name: AIT-TAPE
        Estimated Capacity (MB): 81,920.0
                       Pct Util: 0.6
                  Volume Status: Filling
                         Access: Read/Write
         Pct. Reclaimable Space: 3.9
                Scratch Volume?: Yes
                In Error State?: No
       Number of Writable Sides: 1
        Number of Times Mounted: 2
              Write Pass Number: 1
      Approx. Date Last Written: 12/12/00   12:58:22
         Approx. Date Last Read: 12/12/00   14:29:48
            Date Became Pending:
         Number of Write Errors: 0
          Number of Read Errors: 0
                Volume Location:
Last Update by (administrator):
          Last Update Date/Time:
12/12/00   12:50:41

Richard Snow

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