I found an example on how to send cmds to a dos window.
Working with that example, i got the dsmadmc command to produce output to
the -outfile.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fletcher, Leland D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 6. februar 2001 17:44
Subject: DSMADMC from Visual Basic Shell Function?
I'm attempting to write a VB application to monitor the daily ADSM schedule
and to issue several commands throughout the day. My problem is that when I
use the shell command nothing seems to be working. I do not get any errors
but I do not get any output either. The format of the shell command I'm
using is provided below. I have not set any environment variables and plan
on executing the VB application under Windows 2000.
The following should issue the "q fi".
Private Sub Command1_Click()
x = Shell("C:\Progra~1\IBM\ADSM\saclient\DSMADMC.EXE -id=admin -pa=x
-outfile=c:\cmdout.txt q fi")
End Sub
The function runs without error but I do not get the -outfile allocated.
Thanks in advance for any input to my problem!
Lee Fletcher
Network Project Integrator
AmerenUE Callaway Plant