Ok, Here's a copy of my upgrade process with some notes and an added license
note for those I emailed separately. Sorry I forgot about it till just now.
I did send it to quite a few people but am sending it to the list per
Kelly's request for archive purposes....

Upgrading ADSM on AIX 4.3.3 to TSM

3494 Automated Library with 4 3590-E1A's

I followed the document and did not have any problems. However, when I
installed I did end up installing the HSM client. I didn't bother to pick
and choose the list, maybe I should have. I just let it install everything.
I removed HSM later without any problems.

I did see the errors related to the Atape driver upgrade. I did not have to
stop/remove anything as it relates to the drives or library. SMIT took care
of it all during the update and TSM did not blink. I updated the Atape and
atldd at the same time.

On step 20 I noticed the volhist and devconfig files were not moved/copied
to /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin so I copied them. The dsmserv.dsk did get
moved so I was a bit bewildered as to why the other 2 weren't, given the
problems we see daily maybe I shouldn't have been. I did have to make
changes to dsmserv.opt, dsm.sys and dsm.opt to conform to the new

Before I installed the patch I brought up the server to make sure
everything was ok. I heard from Tivoli Customer support that some people
have had problems because they applied the patch, right after the upgrade,
without bring up TSM first. I didn't even want to ask what they were I just
wanted the correct procedure.

I did not have to upgrade the database, it happened automatically when I
started the server the first time.

I downloaded the .bff files for the patch, there were 8 of them. When I went
into smit to install them only 5 showed up on the list. I wasn't sure if
that's because some were installed already or some were part of the other
packages. So I can only guess if everything was installed properly...and
Tivoli help had no clue about it either, so what does that tell you....

The TSM install did not completely remove the old ADSM directory structure.
There are 2 fairly large files in /usr/lpp/adsmser/bin, db.dsm and log.dsm.
These files are not in the new directory so I'm not sure if I will have
problems if I go through with renaming the directory before I try to delete
it. They may well be default files created when the ADSM server was
installed, but since IBM installed it I have nobody to ask.

I have everything working properly at the moment, or so it seems. My only
worry is, will the server come up properly from a cold boot, even though
inittab was modified with the new install. That will definitely happen in
the future, it's just a matter of when. The last time that happened I lost
every one of my TCP/IP settings and had to remove everything and reinstall
and reconfigure all of it. I was dumbfounded at that.

License note: The instructions in the Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start
Guide for 4.1 states the following when installing the licenses:
register license file=mgsyslan.lic number=10
This does not work since the name of the license files are 10mgsyslan.lic,
1mgsyslan.lic and 50mgsyslan.lic. This holds true for all the other licenses
from what I can see. I ran this:
register license file=10mgsyslan.lic number=10 and got 100 licenses
registered. So you'll have to be careful with those obviously. If I would
have chosen 1mgsyslan.lic I would have been ok.  I needed the 100 licenses

Good luck...

Geoff Gill
NT Systems Support Engineer
Computer Systems Group
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614


1) Use the BACKUP DEVCONFIG command to backup the ADSM
   "Device Configuration" file to an alternate location
   (assuming that you have one defined).

   For example: BACKUP DEVCONFIG FILENAMES=/tmp/devconfig.bak

   NOTE: The 'QUERY OPTION' command will show the DEVCONFIG option,
         if defined, which will identify the current location of
         this file.

   NOTE: If you do not have one defined, please define it now by
         adding the following option to the dsmserv.opt file:

         DEVCONFIG /my_directory/deconfig.out

         and perform the operation outlined in this instruction.

    NOTE:  You can acquire much of the same information through
           the "QUERY LIBRARY", "QUERY DRIVE" and "QUERY STG"

           For example:
               Q LIBRARY * F=D
               Q DRIVE lib_name F=D

2) Copy the "Server Options" file, dsmserv.opt, to an alternate

   For example:
     cp /usr/lpp/adsmserv/bin/dsmserv.opt /tmp/dsmserv.opt.bak

3) If you are also updating ADSM code for the client residing on
   the same machine as the server, you should also the copy "Client
   Options" file(s) to an alternate location. The default location
   for these files on AIX is: /usr/lpp/adsm/bin

   For an example (on an AIX platform):
     cp /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsm.sys /tmp/dsm.sys.bak
     cp /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsm.opt /tmp/dsm.opt.bak

   Note: The Windows, OS/2, and Netware clients do not have a
         dsm.sys file.

4) Copy the operating system definitions for any devices utilized
   by ADSM.

   For example (on an AIX platform):

   Use the AIX 'lsdev' command to save the device definitions
   for any tape or optical device used with, and supported by,
   the ADSM device driver. (the 'op', 'mt', 'lb' names)

     lsdev -Cc adsmtape > /tmp/device.config
     lsdev -Cc tape >> /tmp/device.config
     lsdev -Cc library >> /tmp/device.config
     lsdev -Cc rwoptical >> /tmp/device.config

   You will also need to know the parent adapter of each device:

     lsdev -Cc adapter >> /tmp/device.config

   NOTE: This is not necessary for the 3570,3575,3490,3590,3494,
         and any device classified as GENERICTAPE to ADSM.

5) Please refer to the TSM Server README for your specific
   operating system to determine any special requirements
   related to the installation or support for devices.  This
   may include required device-driver upgrades, or required
   operating system maintenance.

6) Use the 'Q DBVOL' and 'Q LOGVOL' commands to identify the
   size and location of all existing ADSM database and recovery log
   volumes. Save this to a file.

   For example:
     Q DBV * F=D
     Q LOGV * F=D

   Note: This information will be used in the event that it is
     desirable to return to your current version of ADSM.

7) Copy the dsmserv.dsk file to an alternate location.

   For example:
     cp /usr/lpp/adsmserv/bin/dsmserv.opt /tmp/dsmserv.opt.bak

8) Prevent new processes from establishing themselves:
   A) All systems should perform:
      1) using the "QUERY PROCESS" and "CANCEL PROCESS"
         commands, end all currently running processes.
      2) using the "QUERY SESSION" and "CANCEL SESSION"
         commands, end all currently running sessions.
   B) If your system is under heavy use, you may require:
      1) In the dsmserv.opt file, add "DISABLESCHEDS YES"
         This will disable schedules once ADSM is restarted
      2) In the dsmserv.opt file, add "EXPINTERVAL 0"
         This will disable expiration once ADSM is restarted
      3) For each storage pool, from the DSMADMC command line,
         issue "UPDATE STG <name> RECLAIM=100 HI=100"
         This will disable migration and reclaimation.
      4) From the DSMADMC command line, Issue "DISABLE SESSSIONS"
         This will prevent clients from connecting during upgrade
      5) From the DSMADMC command line, issue "HALT"
         This will stop ADSM Server.
      6) Restart ADSM
         For UN*X, run rc.adsmserv from the server/bin directory
         For Windows NT 4.0 or 2000, restart the service.

9) Complete a full ADSM database backup as follows:
   For example:

     (SCRATCH=NO may also be used if appropriate for your environment)

10) Use the BACKUP VOLHIST command to backup the ADSM
    "Volume History" file to an alternate location
    (assuming that you have one defined).

    For example:
       BACKUP VOLHIST FILENAMES=/tmp/volhist.bak

   NOTE: The 'QUERY OPTION' command will show the VOLUMEHISTORY
         option, if defined, which will identify the current location
         of this file.

   NOTE: If you do not have one defined, please define it now by
         adding the following option to the dsmserv.opt file:

         VOLUMEHISTORY /my_directory/volhis.out

         and perform the operation outlined in this instruction.

11) Use "QUERY MOUNT" and "DISMOUNT VOLUME" to empty the drives
    if required.

12) From an ADSM HALT ADSM.

    For example, from an ADSM command line:

13) If upgrading your client, uninstall it after copying dsm.sys and
files to a safe location first
    NOTE: Make sure to keep your old install media in case you
          need to return to the old version.
    A) For AIX, use "installp -u adsm.client"
    B) For Win32, use Control Panel -> Add/Remove -> ADSM Client

14) If using AIX and going from ADSM to TSM, remove your ADSM
    device definitions first with:
       rmdev -dl mtX
       rmdev -dl lbX
       rmdev -dl odX
    where X represents the drive number.  Do this for each drive
    contained in your output from step 4 (/tmp/device.config)

15) Install the new code from base-install media per the
    instructions contained in the README file for you operating
    system type.

16) Install and required Device driver updates or operating system
    updates as required from Step 5.

17) If step 14 was followed, and your devices are deleted from AIX,
    Re-define your AIX devices:
    `smitty devices` -> TSM Devices
        go into Tape for mt's and "add Device" for each
        go into Optical for od's and "add Device" for each
        go into library for lb's and "add Device" for each

18) Verify that the dsmserv.opt (and optionally the dsm.sys and
    dsm.opt files) are present in their default locations as
    determined in steps 3 and 4.

    NOTE: The verification of the dsm.opt and dsm.sys files
          is only required when updating the ADSM client code.

19) Make any modifications to the dsmserv.opt, dsm.sys, dsm.opt
    files as required based on changes to the options contained
    within said files as outlined in the Release Notes and
    README files for the current version.
    verify environment varables reflect new directory structure

20) Verify that the "Device Configuration" and "Volume History"
    files are present in the their default locations as
    determined in prior step of this document.

21) Ensure that the dsmserv.dsk file is present in the default
    location as determined above.

22) Start the TSM server
    NOTE: If you are given a notice that the database needs to
          be updated, you can restart the adsm server with the
          "upgradedb" parameter.  This will not be required on
          subsequent restarts of the server.

    Note: On the AIX and NT platforms, it is not necessary to
          explicitly specify the upgradedb parameter as the
          initial dsmserv process will automatically perform
          this function. However, you may issue it without
          negative effect to the server.

23) Once you have verified that the server is operating normally,
    reset any values changed in section 8.B, including:

      1) remove "ENABLE SCHEDS" from the dsmserv.opt
      2) remove "EXPINTERVAL 0" from the dsmserv.opt
      3) issue "UPDATE STG <name> RECLAIM=<orig> HI=<orig>" for
         each pool changed
      4) issue "ENABLE SESS" at a dsmadmc command prompt
      5) Stop ADSM by issuing "HALT" from a dsmadmc command
      6) restart TSM by running rc.adsmserv from the
         server/bin directory on UNIX, or by clicking "start"
         from within the NT/2000 services control panel.

24) If appropriate for your environment, it is highly recommended
    that you install the current maintenance level for your version
    and release of TSM.  This can be obtained via FTP over the
    public Internet within the "maintenance" subdirectory of:


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kelly J. Lipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 11:29 AM
>Subject: Re: TSM Upgrade
>Why don't you post it here with a descriptive title.  That way
>it will go
>into the archives for all to see in the future.
>For those of you who don't know about www.adsm.org, that's
>where old posts
>go to die.  Nice search engine there and you can find pretty
>much anything
>you want.
>Kelly J. Lipp
>Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
>PO Box 51313
>Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
>(719) 531-5926
>Fax: (240) 539-7175

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