I put the /dev/null in the open statement because when ADSM went from 2.x to
3.x, the output kept pausing for until it received a <CR>.

Can you post the modified module?


Gerhard Rentschler wrote:

> Hi,
> with some work I got Adsm.pm to work on Windows 2000. Things I had to do:
>  - add path to dsmadmc  to path env variable (unfortunately not done during
> installation)
>  - add env variables DSM_DIR and DSM_CONFIG with correct values. Otherwise
> dsm.opt and dsmameng.txt will not be found. There is one special problem:
> dsmc will not work with dscameng.txt for dsmadmc and vice versa. But there
> is only one env variable for both.
>  - comment out the check for the mode bits of .dsmrc. This check could be
> modified to use a Windows-specific function. But I haven't done it yet.
>  - remove /dev/null in the open statement for dsmadmc. Windows doesn't have
> /dev/null.
> There might still a few problems left, e.g. the stty statement. I just
> didn't run across it.
> The module is a useful tool. I does what can be done. A few well known
> problems make use of dsmadmc less comfortable than it could be. The normal
> output format (for example with the q se command) in columns with column
> headers is difficult to process by a program. I would recommend to use
> the -comma option with dsmadmc. Even this way not everything is fine. In the
> output of the q db command some values are inclosed in double apostrophes,
> some are not for no visible reasons. Very annoying is the fact that numbers
> contain thousand separators which are useless in a comma separated output.
> So Adsm.pm is far better than nothing. But a general administration API is
> what we really need.
> Best regards
> Gerhad
> ---
> Gerhard Rentschler            email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Regional Computing Center     tel.   ++49/711/685 5806
> University of Stuttgart       fax:   ++49/711/682357
> Allmandring 30a
> D 70550
> Stuttgart
> Germany

Dan Giles, Tivoli Certified Consultant - TSM 3.7
phone: (416) 402-9744

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