this is our environment:
ADSM Server:
RS/6000 F50, 2 CPU's 512 MB memory, Gigabit adapter
Nortel Network switches
Siemens NT box, 3 CPU's 400 MHz, 3 GB, Gigabit adapter
Oracle 8.0.5 - 113 GB
Backup Hardware:
3494, 4 x 3590E1A (2 drives used for this backup), J tapes
The online backup of this database lasts 1 h 10 m.
Something seems to be wrong with your environment, but it may be difficult to
find out what it is.
>From time to time we restore the last offline backup of this database to another
NT machine. This box does not have
a gigabit adapter, so we would expect a restore time of round about 10 hrs (or
20 hrs if you take into account that
write operations are much slower than reads to a RAID 5 set). But this restore
lasts nearly a week! Well, we are
about to replace this box so we are not willing to find the reason.
Reinhold Wagner, Zeuna Staerker GmbH & Co. KG
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