Hi Mike,
do you plan to release it as separate PTF or part of some maintenance
release ?

----- Pùvodní zpráva -----
Od: Mike Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Odesláno: 16. ledna 2001 18:52
Pøedmìt: Re: IBM 35xx Libraries, Windows 2000 and TSM - Observations

> Hi Kelly,
> Here's some information regarding your recent post.
>    TSM recognizes that there are some short comings with RSM and will be
>    providing the ability to define 3581, 3583 and 3584 libraries as type
>    SCSI in the near future.  This will be accomplished with updates to
>    ADSMSCSI to control the medium-changer in the 3581, 3583 and 3584
>    libraries.  This work is currently in test and will be released as a
>    when it completes the test process. The README will document how to
>    migrate from an RSM environment to a SCSI environment.   TSM will
>    continue to support the definition of the library as type RSM for those
>    customers who wish to utilize RSM.
>    With the introduction of the SSD LTO technology, TSM has changed how it
>    supports SSD tape devices and uses the SSD device driver to control the
>    LTO drives on the NT platforms.  Now SSD LTO customers can easily
>    download microcode updates and perform other serviceability functions.
>    Whether RSM or ADSMSCSI controls the medium-changer in the library, the
>    SSD device driver will control the LTO drives.
> Kelly J. Lipp writes:
>  > Gang,
>  >
>  > Well, with any luck this will rile up the works!
>  >
>  > This is whacked.
>  >
>  > The use of TSM Libraries through RSM will cause you to seriously
> the
>  > way you manipulate media.  As there is no longer checkin/checkout/label
>  > libvol, those operational procedures must be changed.  You must use RSM
> to
>  > perform these steps.  Checking in tapes appears to require the opening
> of
>  > the library and the insertion of a tape into the library rather than
> using
>  > the Bulk Port.  Opening a library that has a bulk port would seem
>  >
>  > Overall this strategy appears flawed in its initial release.
>  >
>  > I would not recommend to anyone that they try to run this
>  > >From our days worth of fooling with it the learning curve is too
>  > Tape manipulation is already complicated enough within TSM and this
> makes it
>  > more so.
>  >
>  > Our recommendation essentially suggests that the purchase of IBM 35xx
>  > libraries for use with TSM on Windows 2000 is a mistake.  I can't
> imagine
>  > that anyone within IBM or Tivoli wants this.  From all appearances
>  > libraries seem to be very nice units indeed.  Not with TSM and Windows
> 2000
>  > though.  That's a conundrum.
>  >
>  > What we need to know from Tivoli is the following:
>  >
>  > 1. Is the use of RSM on Windows 2000 an interim step leading to the use
> of
>  > ADSMSCSI, or is this the way it's going to be?
>  >
>  > 2. Will other libraries receive the same treatment?  I.e., is this the
> wave
>  > of the future?
>  >
>  > 3. Has anyone within Tivoli tested this stuff and is there some
>  > documentation which might simplify this?  I've seen list entries as far
> back
>  > as October.  I haven't seen anyone from Tivoli weigh in on this.  I'm
> sure
>  > some guys in Tucson or San Jose have fooled with this.  How about
> us
>  > some guidance?
>  >
>  > In the meantime if any of you are considering going down this path,
> STOP.  I
>  > don't think you're going to like where it takes you.
>  >
>  > Kelly J. Lipp
>  > Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
>  > PO Box 51313
>  > Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
>  > (719) 531-5926
>  > Fax: (240) 539-7175
>  > www.storsol.com
>  > www.storserver.com
> Best Regards,
> Mike Collins
> Tivoli Storage Manager Development
> E Mike Collins/Tivoli Systems or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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