Hello Does anyone of You have a clue to why some of mine NT-servers gets an error message in the applications event-log everytime I re-boot it ...and what to do about it ? (= How to get rid of it ?) (It seems that all backups works OK.) It started after I upgraded to a TSM client on the NT 4.0 Servers. I don't have any of NTs performance-monitor activated on any of them Is there a bug(?) in this client-version ? It says: (Date and time) Event ID: 1011 Source: Perflib User: N/A Type: Error ...... Description: "The library file ""dsmcperf.dll"" specified for the "TSM Client Performance" service could not be opened. Performance data for this service will not be available. Status code is data DWORD 0. " Best regards Gunnar **************************************************************** Gunnar Uhr IT-Service KAROLINSKA HOSPITAL 171 76 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]