I'm guessing that perhaps the element numbers on the define drive commands
were wrong.  You may have reversed them.  Can you see the robot put the
cartridge in a drive?  Is it putting it into the correct drive?

You can perhaps use lbtest to ensure that the element number and scsi
address match.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (240) 539-7175

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Geoff Pusey
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 6:52 AM
Subject: TSM error in trying to label media in a IBM 3995 C68


I have a new installation of TSM and I am trying to label a IBM 3995 C68
and I am getting this error can some one let me know if this looks like a
hardware error or TSM error?

The environment is TSM 3.7.4 with  a NT 4 with SP6 in a NT cluster

This is the error in the ACTLOG:

ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: LABEL libvol lb6.0.0.1
search=bulk labelsource=prompt checkin=scratch overwrite=Yes
ANR0984I Process 3 for LABEL LIBVOLUME started in the BACKGROUND at
ANR8799I LABEL LIBVOLUME: Operation for library LB6.0.0.1 started as
process 3.
ANR8373I 003: Fill the bulk entry/exit port of library LB6.0.0.1 with all
OPTICAL volumes to be processed within 60 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
with the request ID when ready.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: QUERY REQUEST
ANR8352I Requests outstanding:
ANR8373I 003: Fill the bulk entry/exit port of library LB6.0.0.1 with all
OPTICAL volumes to be processed within 60 minute(s); issue 'REPLY' along
with the request ID when ready.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: REPLY 003
ANR8499I Command accepted.
ANR8809I 004: Please provide the label name for the volume in slot element
10 of library LB6.0.0.1 by issuing REPLY n LABEL=xxx  within 60 minutes,
where n is the re quest ID and xxx is the desired label name.
ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: REPLY 004 label=123
ANR8499I Command accepted.
ANR8304E Time out error on drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1) in library LB6.0.0.1.
ANR8841I Remove any volumes from slot 10 of library LB6.0.0.1 at your
ANR8802E LABEL LIBVOLUME process 3 for library 123 failed.
ANR0985I Process 3 for LABEL LIBVOLUME running in the BACKGROUND completed
with completion state FAILURE at 14:49:40.

I ran a trace and this is the relevant part:

14:47:21.843 <35>mmslib.c(6092): Obtaining reservation for volume 123 in
library LB6.0.0.1; activity=3.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsscsi.c(10516): Labeling single volume with label 123
from slot element 10.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsdrive.c(2983): Borrowing drive; lib=LB6.0.0.1,
devType=998, wait=0, specific=0, elem=0.
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsdrive.c(3347): Acquiring drive list for library
14:47:21.843 <35>mmslib.c(4285): Finding descriptor for library LB6.0.0.1
14:47:21.843 <35>mmsscsi.c(3690): ScsiSetLibDevice for drive drive
OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1).
14:47:21.843 <35>pvrodsk.c(2687): Testing readiness of drive OP1.0.0.1
14:47:21.858 <35>pspvropt.c(876): PvrODskPrepDrive: Entry.
14:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(909): PvrODskPrepDrive: PvrODskIoctl returns rc
, compcode = 7178348814:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(1141): Error performing
IOCTL operation on drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1)
14:47:21.874 <35>pspvropt.c(1171): Drive OP1.0.0.1 (OP1.0.0.1):
compcode=412, status (errno) =-1073741661,
sense data (22): 7000020000000018000000003A000000000000000418
14:47:21.874 <35>mmslib.c(4827): Acquiring autochanger; lib=LB6.0.0.1,
14:47:21.874 <35>mmsscsi.c(12043): Opening LB6.0.0.1.
14:47:21.983 <35>mmslib.c(4944): Releasing autochanger; lib=LB6.0.0.1,

Any help would be appreciated


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

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