As others have stated you have to reset the statistics between measurements.
I'm running a setup almost identical. My server has 512 MB and our DB is 22 GB,
85% utilized.
I have found that a DB buffer pool of 96 MB gives me consistent hit rates of
98.5% or better.
I'm a bit amazed that you don't have paging problems with a 220 MB DB Buf Pool.
Using default AIX memory tunings, my paging rate skyrocketed when my DB Buf Pool
exceeded 64 MB! I shared a lot of my experiences on tuning AIX for ADSM with
this forum (check the archives).
Run vmstat with a 2-5 second sample time, and while it's running, submit a few
new queries. If you get anything more than a brief spike on disk paging, you're
paging the contents of the DB Buf Pool to disk. That's a performance killer,
and you'll have to either reduce its size or tune the AIX VM settings; or both.
Good luck.
Tab Trepagnier
ADSM Administrator
Laitram Corporation
"Shalev, Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/11/2001 06:05:34 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: (bcc: Tab Trepagnier/Corporation/Laitram/US)
Subject: Bufpoolsize and cache hit percentage on ADSM DB
I am running ADSM server on AIX with 512MB memory.
The ADSM DB size is 19GB, with 67.2% used.
I am trying to tune the Bufpoolsize so as to reach >98% cache hit
percentage, as recommended by Tivoli/IBM.
When I started, a few months ago, the value of bufpoolsize was 16K and we
had 75% cache hit %. By increasing bufpoolsize, I managed to get over 95% at
Since then, I have had the following results (making changes every few
Bufpoolsize = 170000 , cache hit % = 95.28.
Bufpoolsize = 190000 , cache hit % = 94.77
Bufpoolsize = 220007 , cache hit % = 93.26
All results are after many millions of DB accesses. A UNIX admin has told me
that the machine has no memory paging problems.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Am I getting better performance with the larger buffer pool even if the
cache hit % is lower?
Please cc me on list replies as I subscribe to the digest version.
Jonathan Shalev
IDC Computing / Systems Engineering
UNIX Server Platforms
Intel Israel (74) Ltd.
Phone: +972-4-865-6588, Fax: +972-4-865-5999