You are correct, I misunderstood the question. Our mainframe is
where we run the server. I am not sure how to specify which tcpip stack to
use when defining the client on the mainframe. sorry
-----Original Message-----
From: Valeriano Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: ADSM and multiple TCP/IP
Hi Matt,
thanks for your reply but I think you are talking about the server side ...
On the OS/390 box where the USS ADSM client is installed, I have three
TCP/IP stacks (I mean, three
different address spaces), one of which is defined as the default one. Now,
need to move my ADSM client
to a specific TCP/IP stack, different from the default one; ADSM server
will remain unchanged
and will continue to be reached via the TCPServeraddress parameter.
How can I specify what stack to be used by my USS client?
Thanks again for your cooperation
Best regards
Valeriano Bassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/01/2001 15.09.14
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: (bcc: Valeriano Bassi/SSB)
Subject: Re: ADSM and multiple TCP/IP
Hi Valeriano,
I had a lot of discussions with the Tivoli people before I installed TSM
4.1 on our OS390 box. They told me that TSM can only use 1 TCP stack. I
don't know if that is really true because I didn't actually try it. What I
did was just add the extra adapters to the box and include them in the 1
TCPIP stack. Our TCPIP stack uses 2 cisco cips, 2 OSA-E ATM adapter and a
OSA-E GB ethernet adapter. I can direct a client to the adapter that I want
them to use by having the client refer to the mainframe TCPIP stack through
the IP address of the adapter that I want them to use.
-----Original Message-----
From: Valeriano Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 5:17 AM
Subject: ADSM and multiple TCP/IP
Hi there,
I would like to know how (and if) it is possible to force an ADSM client to
a specific TCP/IP stack
when a system does provide more than ones.
We are using an USS ADSM client on a system where 3 different TCP/IP stacks
As far as I know, the only ADSM parameters used to create a client-server
connection are
COMMethod and TCPServeraddress.
In our installation, three different TCP/IP names are defined in the
member; one is defined
as the default one and so is used by the ADSM client. Since we are going to
modify this default, I need
to force the ADSM client to use a specific stack.
I think that other Unix systems should have the possibility to configure
than one TCP/IP and so,
how this problem get solved?
ADSM server on OS/390 2.6
ADSM USS client
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards
Valeriano Bassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]