Looks like it was time for a reboot then...  After all it is only Windows

Keith Davey

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Zeke Crater wrote:

> My SQL Server v6.5 (running on an NT v4.0 server) backups were running well
> for months, then one day I started getting ACO4210E -- Failed to connect to
> SQL server messages.  All my research failed to find the answer.
> The problem was not ADSM, it was SQL Server / Windows NT.  After a reboot of
> the NT server (which had been up for months) the problem went away.
> Tivoli Storage Manager
> Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server - Version 1, Release 1,
> Level 2
> (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 1999. All rights reserved.
> TSM API Version 3, Release 7, Level 0
> TSM Nodename: Something
> License file exists and contains valid license data.
> Logging on to the TSM server...
> Logging on to the SQL server...
> ACO4210E -- Failed to connect to SQL server.
> sometimes ACO4210E is written as AC04210E

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