> What I think is happening is this:
> Due to the incremental forever backup method the files are becoming
> fragmented on the tapes. A file changes so a new version is 
> written to the
> tape. The oldest version is then deleted  leaving a gap on 
> the tape. The
> problem with fragmented tapes is that the seek speed of the 
> tape drives is
> very slow.

This is also my opinion and you should have a look at the managementclasses:

If you have 3 additional versions of a file and all of the data fits onto a
single tape
you have only 25% (1+3/100) information on that tape - means only 25%

I am not sure, there are some things you or TSM can do against:

- weekly selective backups at the cost of traffic and loosing one
- second incremental backup each day with different managementclass (only
one version)
- creating backupsets weekly and "forewardrecovery" with the last
- new TSM feature could be:  single restore session can use more than one

Any more ideas?

With Regards,
Stefan Holzwarth
ADAC Germany

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Mark Bryant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 21. September 2000 13:19
> Betreff: Re: Slow restore for large NT client
> My view on the slow restore problem is that it is down to the tape
> technology. I've done quite a bit of testing with restores on 
> AIX, NetWare
> and NT and can say the following:
> 1. I can rule out the network and server performance as the 
> bottle neck.
> Doing a full backup and restore will give comparable 
> performance and ADSM
> will run as fast as the network will allow. Also as fast as any other
> product (Arcserve, BackupExec).
> 2. Large filesystems containing large files will give a 
> reasonable restore
> performance. Large filesystems with lots of small files give 
> a terrible
> restore performance.
> What I think is happening is this:
> Due to the incremental forever backup method the files are becoming
> fragmented on the tapes. A file changes so a new version is 
> written to the
> tape. The oldest version is then deleted  leaving a gap on 
> the tape. The
> problem with fragmented tapes is that the seek speed of the 
> tape drives is
> very slow. Some are better than others, I've found Magstar  3570's are
> quite a bit faster than DLT's. So when we come to do a full 
> restore the
> tape drives are spending most of the time searching rather than
> transferring data.
> Arcserve and the like do not have this problem as they are 
> generally setup
> for a weekly full, daily differential so are able to stream 
> data off the
> tapes in one big block and are only really limited by the 
> transfer rate of
> the tape drive.
> The probem with ADSM has really got worse over the last few 
> years due to
> the amazing growth in disk capacity/price. It is now becoming a real
> problem when we have these big fileservers going in.
> I'm not sure what the answer is. Some things that can help 
> are to make sure
> you are collocation on your tape pools and run regular reclamation to
> reduce the fragmentation.

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