
I hope some one can verify if I have installed and configured this drive

I have a NT 4 with sp6 in a NT cluster environment. with "Storage
Management Server for Windows NT - Version 3, Release 7, Level 0.0"

tsm: NMRIOESRV01>q drive

Library Name  Drive Name    Device Type  Device            ON LINE
------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------------
LB0.0.0.3     MT1.0.0.3     DLT          MT1.0.0.3         Yes

*** ---> Q VOLUME

Volume Name                                         Storage              Device        
     Estimated       Pct      Volume
                                                                   Pool Name       
Class Name      Capacity         Util      Status
------------------------     -----------     ----------     ---------     -----     
D:\ADSMDATA\DISK1.DSM        BACKUPPOOL      DISK                25.0               
98.4     On-Line
IOE1                                                       DLTPOOL1        DLTCLASS1   
    35,840.0        0.0      Filling

The Library was set up as element = 16
As all the 3502 drives linked me to this web site and as I only have one drive I 
thought it must be element 16. Is this right?

                 IBM 3502-314

                                                                  SCSI ID
Device Name
                               Tape drive 1 (element 16)
                               Tape drive 2 (element 17)
                               Tape drive 3 (element 18)

                                       1.The following options should be set during 
                                               Enable barcode
                                               Autoload cartridge - NO
                                               Auto Cleaning - NO (The cleaning 
cartridge must be in the last slot)
                                               Ramdom mode

My problem is that when I do a backup and it migrates to the library I get the error 
no space left in volume? Is this a problem with the library or my

I can read in new tapes and label them, but I am unable to copy any data to them.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated


Geoff Pusey
Tivoli Advisory Consultant
Tivoli Systems.
Office   : +44 (0)1753 896896
Mobile : +44 (0) 780 8203704

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