Make sure you have proper user rights for the account that runs TSM client;
there are 3 rights needed:  backup, restore *AND* modify audit & security
logs (see the install doc. this last one is not default for Backup

Also, locked files cannot be copied (or backed up);  probably, you see this
on system files and Backup Exec either ignored such failure or had excludes
for them (same as Ntbackup does).

Don France

Technical Architect - Unix Engineering/P.A.C.E.
San Jose, CA
Bus-Ph:   (408) 257-3037

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Nathan Himmel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, November 30, 2000 8:14 AM
Subject:        ANE4007E - Access is denied

Hi SM*

A customer is in process of migration from Backup Exec (Veritas) to ADSM.
Customer complains about many NT files which he get (on ADSM) 'ANE4007E ....
access to the object is denied'. Those files could not be copied with
Explorer as well,  because they are being used. On the other hand, with
Backup Exec( Veritas) , there were no problems.
ADSM client on NT is still 3.1.
Any idea? Any solution?


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