Have a nice day....

i face the following problem. We have two TSM Servers with one TSM instance
on server one, and two TSM instances on Server two.

If a user moved to another department, his personal data should follow him
from TSM server two instance two, to TSM sever one. I noticed the export
node command but was not sure if it point me the right way.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Best regards,

Freundliche Grüsse

Roland Bender
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG
A Informationsverarbeitung
IT Betrieb Ingelheim
Job- und Datenservice 
Telefon:        +49 (0) 6132/ 77 - 2014
Telefax:                +49 (0) 6132 /77 - 3216
e-Mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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