We have had the same problem, Tivoli is looking into it. Our Novell Admin had
to manually reapply the trustee rights.

We also had an problem with restoration of "long name" files, *SM 3.7 does not
always restore to the long pathname. Tivoli is also looking into this issue for

Needless to say, our Novell Admins are thrilled with the new TSM code.

If you get any resolution out of Tivoli let me know because the best we could
get was that they are working on fixes in the TSM 4.1.2 code.

Regards, Tim

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 11/09/2000 10:29:47 AM
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400

Subject: Netware file rights not getting back with restore

A customer of mine is seeing a problem, where file rights/trustee rights are
not restored in the progross of restoring the corresponding file/directory.

Any ideas?

Netware is at version 5.00d
TSM Client at version
TSM Server at version

Eurodis Schweiz AG
Data Division
Timo Kilchenmann
Systems Engineer
Timo Kilchenmann     E-Mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eurodis Schweiz AG   Phone   +41 1 843 34 91 (direct)
Bahnstrasse 58/60    or      +41 1 843 32 32
CH-8105 Regensdorf   Telefax +41 1 843 34 24
Switzerland          Mobile  +41 79 417 43 55

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