Hi John, On Mon, 6 Nov 2000, Talafous John G. wrote: > We have a *SM server on OS390 that exists with CA-1 and all has worked fine > for years. However, our TSM server on AIX is another story. What do > organizations do with vaulting and slotting tapes in the vault from AIX > platforms?? Most sites seem to use DRM for that. I couldn't justify the extra cost of DRM so wrote a series of perl scripts to manage vaulting and to simplify the entire tape operator environment. Carl.
- Offsite Vaulting Michael A. Scurek
- Re: Offsite Vaulting Prather, Wanda
- Re: Offsite Vaulting Gill, Geoffrey L.
- Re: Offsite Vaulting MC Matt Cooper (2838)
- Re: Offsite Vaulting John Naylor
- Re: Offsite Vaulting Talafous, John G.
- Re: Offsite Vaulting William Boyer
- Re: Offsite Vaulting Carl Makin
- Re: Offsite Vaulting Wise, Alan N.