>  I'm trying to label brand new DLT tapes to create ADSM scratch volumes
>using various
>  variants of the "label" and "checkin" commands e.g.
> label libv tapelib B00880
> label libv tapelib B00880 overwrite=yes
> checkin libv tapelib B00880 stat=scratch
>Nothing seems to work. The activity log has:
> ANR8802E LABEL LIBVOLUME process 351 for library B00880   failed.

Peter - Given that the above message reflects the volume name instead
        of the library name that it is supposed to, I suspect that you
have a low-maintenance-level 3.1 server that needs upgrading.
Searching the APARs database for "label libvolume" turns up hits which
seem to pertain to your problem.  You didn't specify which admin
interface you were using, but if the web admin interface, I would
generally avoid that as historically unreliable (and see APAR relating
to that as well).  See also the ACSLS-related APAR in the finds.
   Richard Sims, BU

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