I would probably stay away from DLT at this point. LTO and AIT offer better
performance and capacity. I've not seen anyone using the DLT8000s yet. I
assume they work but don't have any first hand experience.
We sell Qualstar libraries in our STORServers. Great product. Can't beat
the price/performance of these libraries. We've used Overland Data but only
their smaller products. Not wild about those either.
We sold the Breecehill line for a while. Good product. Didn't seem to
scale as well as the Qualstar line. DLT only at this point, I believe, but
probably will have an LTO variant soon.
My opinions only.
Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (719) 260-5991
-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Marc D. Taylor
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 2:25 PM
Subject: Tape Library question
Hello All,
I am wanting to know what the ADSM public thinks of certain tape
libraries. We are considering libraries from Breece-Hill, Qualstar and
Overland Data. At the present time, they we are leaning toward the dlt8000
as the drives. In particular, if you had it to do all over again, would
you pick the same company and why?
Feel free to respond offline.
Marc Taylor
Marc D. Taylor
Research Programmer
Beckman Institute Systems Services
Room 1714
Office: 217-244-7373, Fax: 217-333-8206