
I use a very simple script, cronned every 15 minutes or so.
It writes out the current time, mounted volumes and in use volumes to a
dated file, ready to throw at Excel.

and it looks like this;


TSM='dsmadmc -id=! -pa=! '
outfile=/mountcount$(date +%d%m%y)
#mountcount. Queries number of mounted tapes from TSM.
${TSM} q mo >> ${qfile}
mounteds=$(cat ${qfile} | grep -c "is mounted")
inuses=$(cat ${qfile} | grep -c "IN USE")
echo $(date +%H:%M:%S)" "${mounteds}" "${inuses} >> ${outfile}
rm ${qfile}

|Matthew Warren. GZPTXW|
|EDS Storage Management|
|01908284481.          |
|Wavendon Tower.       |

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel Swan-TM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 18 October 2000 07:30:PM
>Subject: Scripts/Tools to monitor drive usage?
>For the sake of capacity planning, I'd like to monitor my 
>drive usage, and
>find out at what times we are maxed, and for how long.  I'm 
>thinking a combo
>of a cron job that does a 'q mount' every 10 minutes, to gather the
>information, and then using gnuplot or excel to plot it.
>But before I go about this, I'd like to know if anyone out 
>there has created
>similar solutions they are willing to share.
>Note:  We don't have the ADSM ODBC driver configured yet at our site.

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