Hi gurus PREPARE command fails: IEC030I B37-04,IFG0554A,ADSM,ADSM,SYS03578,7C2A,E9TSM0,SYSADM.J2000286.T081528 IGD104I SYSADM.ANRSERV.OPTIONS RETAINED, DDNAME=SYS03579 ANR6953E PREPARE: File write error. ANR6953E PREPARE: File write error. IGD104I SYSADM.J2000286.T081528 RETAINED, DDNAME=SYS03578 ANR6951E PREPARE: Recovery plan file 'SYSADM.J2000286.T081528' was not created. ANR0985I Process 519 for PREPARE running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at 08:15:52. * PREPARE command runs on OS/390 server. * IEC030I B37-04 means the following: For an output data set on a direct access device, the system might have needed to demount the volume for one of the following reason: o The data set already had 16 extents, but required more space. * The DASD volume E9TSM0 has more than enough space, so rpf 'SYSADM.J2000286.T081528' is too small. I am just issuing a standard PREPARE command (no additional parameters). How can I increase the size (space) of a Recovery Plan File ????? thanks in advance. Ruud van Ruler, Shell Services International BV - ISES/32 Our Data Storage Management home page: http://sww2.shell.com/os390/ > Room 0C/G06 > Dokter van Zeelandstraat 1, 2285 BD Leidschendam NL Tel : +31 (0)70 - 3034644, Fax 4012, Mobile +31 (0)6-55127646 Email Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] R.vanRuler