Ken - try QUERY SERVER. If it shows no servers defined you need to define one using the DEFINE SERVER command. You can use the minimum option, eg DEFINE SERVER tsm1 PASSWORD=tsm1 HLaddress=n.n.n.n LLAddress=1500 So the servername and password can be anything, the HLaddress is your server's TCP/IP address and LLADdress is the server port. After this, the console should come up. Hope this helps .. Charlotte Brooks Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Leader, Storage Management, ITSO Almaden Ken Sedlacek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/17/2000 01:54:22 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Web client access problems after 3.7.3 SM upgrade Last night we upgraded ADSM to TSM 3.7.3 without much difficulty. I am having problems with the IE5.0 web client access though. When trying to access the TSM server via IE5, I get an error message on the Java console saying: "Server parameter is missing. Please Set serverhladdress and serverlladdress." I have been trying to find these 2 parameters: serverhladdress and serverlladdress Does anyone know where they are located and what should go in them? TIA Ken Sedlacek Information Technology Infrastructure - Kyrus Corp. W: 864-322-4260 Cell: 864-444-8375 Text Page: 864-444-7243, follow prompts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Web client access problems after 3.7.3 SM upgrade
Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM Tue, 17 Oct 2000 14:57:53 -0700
- Web client access problems after 3.7.3 SM upg... Ken Sedlacek
- Re: Web client access problems after 3.7... Mark A. Adams
- Re: Web client access problems after 3.7... Christine Wickham
- Re: Web client access problems after 3.7... Charlotte Brooks/Almaden/IBM
- Re: Web client access problems after 3.7... Ken Sedlacek