It may cause a problem.  You better test it.

I have had cases where I could not IMPORT from a tape that was EXPORTed from
a server at a higher level; I don't know if that is the case between and, nor do I know of any place where you can find it
documented.  But just try it with one client, it tells you right away if
there's a problem with the server levels.

Worst case, do your upgrade to TSM 3.7 on AIX first.  I went from
to TSM 3.7.2, and it's pretty much a drop-in.    Other than the fact that
the install directories change and you have to re-enter your license files,
it's just another SMIT install.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Rutherford [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 3:55 AM
> Subject:      Export to different server level
> Hello all,
>      can anybody help me. We have two ADSM Servers, one running V3.1.2.50
> under
> OS390 and one running V3.1.2.40 under AIX.
> We want to export all data from the OS390 server to the AIX one. Will the
> lower
> server level on the AIX server cause a problem once the data has been
> exported ?
> We are also planning a migration to TSM Server 3.7 shortly after the
> export has
> completed.
> many thanks for any help,
> Nick Rutherford.
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