How long are you giving the migration from disk -> tape to work? you could
try upping the number of migration processes for the diskpool if you have
enough tape drives...
The backup stgpool from disk -> tape doesn't clear the diskpool as it goes
Also, I would try and start you diskpool copy after the backups have
finished - only files that were in the diskpool at the time the backup
stgpool command was entered will be copied.
I would do things in this order;
overnight backups to tape & disk.
migration thresholds to 0 for diskpool, maybe increase MIGProcesses to speed
it up.
Then (Once disk is empty)
backupstgpool Primary tapepool -> Copypool.
>We have nightly backups going to the diskpool(for certain
>backups and the
>others directly to tapepool)
>However, backups finish by 8am... At 6:30am, there is a
>process to create a
>copy(backup) the diskpool.. and at 10am, there is a process to copy the
>And why doesn't the diskpool clears itself before 10am? Even
>with admin cmd
>schedule to reset the threshold hi=0 and lo=0.. I'm only
>accomplishing this
>Please let me know what or where I'm missing the contingency..