>  Hi *SM-ers!
>  I have a bit of a problem. TSM does not support AIX 4.1 and 4.2 machines.
>  The end of service date for ADSM clients is said to be January 31 2001.
>  So, after this date my customers are using unsupported software! I cannot
>  force my customers to upgrade their AIX software to 4.3.
>  How do other TSM sites handle this issue?
>  Thank you very much for your reply in advance!
>  Kindest regards,
>  Eric van Loon

Well, as long as nothing breaks, there's not a problem -
"unsupported" just means Support's response to any questions
you might have is "upgrade to a supported version".  It's not as
though the client will stop functioning right then...  Of course,
if you upgrade the server, it may be that the client break
against the new version, in which case upgrading is necessary.

Lack of backups is a big stick to use to get your customers to
upgrade - just warn them that if they have problems with software
that's no longer supported, they'll have to upgrade.  You can
even make Tivoli (or IBM) the villian - it's not _your_ fault,
after all. :->

Good luck.


Pat Wilson
Dartmouth College

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